Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Media Literacies: NML Staff/Project

Media Literacy icon
The New Media Literacy is a project started by MIT. Their Comparative Media Studies program is involved with putting this activity together. They focus on ways to prepare students for 21st century technology. This program wants to educate people on technology and provide information on how to participate with the media.
Click here to visit the NML website

In their video, they talk about how you need certain skills to be able to use technology successfully. I think it's important to possess all of the skills that they talk about. Some of these that I have include: judgment, negotiation, and multitasking. The only way to gain more skills is to continue learning all of the technology out there. Be open to new ideas, and never stop learning!

1 comment:

  1. "Be open to new ideas, and never stop learning!" Excellent advice!
