Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well it's that time of the year again; where everyone heads home for break. I enjoyed this class, and I hope everybody has a Merry Christmas!!!
Goodbye.. until next year.....


podcast logo
This podcast was made possible by Dillon Rogers, Autumn Wiggins, Kimberly Gilley, and me. It's called What If technology Lost It's Patience and Left Us?
The title pretty much explains it all.
Click here to watch our podcast.

Apples For Teachers-Project 11.

This project was made possible by Dillon Rogers, Autumn Wiggins, and me. We decided to do this project based on the idea that Iphones should be allowed in the classroom for educational purposes. The phone has several applications that could be very valuable for teachers to use.
Click here to watch our video.


This project has been an eye opener of how kids are really getting into technology. Seeing children develop their blogs,and posting their projects was pretty cool. I enjoyed giving positive encouragement to all of these kids. You can tell that they work so hard on these assignments, and that they enjoy making the posts. A few examples that I have are Rising Stars Room 12&13, RBS 4th Grade Blog, and a fifth grade class blog.
The Rising Stars had a group of children who made a Gingerbread story. It was really cool how they narrated the animation.
I posted a comment on one of the boy's post on RBS. His post was about one of vacations to Wyoming, and how he went hunting. It was adorable.
The Fifth grade class blog was just getting started. This was the first time for the kids to start blogging.
Overall, this project was a lot of fun!

My PLN...

Well, let's just say my PLN is a work in progress. I'm new to a lot of this stuff so I haven't got a big list yet.However, I fully intend to continue building my network even after this class is over. One blog that I follow is At The Teacher's Desk. This is probably one of my favorite blogs. I think it's great that teachers can contribute their ideas or stories. It gives you a different point of view, and is helpful for all teachers. Another blog that I follow is Dear Kaia. She is the cutest little girl,and it's wonderful that her dad keeps up with her blog. Room 10 @ Pt. England school is another blog I follow. The kids posting their projects online is amazing. It makes me wish that we would have had something like that when I was a little kid. Mr. McClung's blog is also in my PLN. He seems like a pretty cool teacher who really cares about his students. I'm just going to keep on learning, and hopefully I will be able to add others to my PLN. All of this was possible due to the weekly assignments Dr. Strange gave us. I will definitely keep up with them,and find more that I want to join.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

EDM Fall 2009 Semester

The End
1.It's the end of the semester, and it's time to reflect on all I have learned. This has been a great course, and I think I have learned more in this class than any other.One thing I have learned is that blogging is great way to share ideas, and communicate with others. I didn't know anything about blogs before this class, and know I've found it to be an amazing tool. I feel like my professional blog will be useful in the future when I'm applying for a teaching position. Also, I think that I will have my students set up their own personal blogs because I know how much they can learn from having one. Wikis are pretty cool. I like that members of the wiki can add information to any topic. I'm not sure that I would use it though because it charges a fee. The presentations that we did in class were interesting. However, I'm not a big fan of talking about myself, Project 2, so I didn't really enjoy putting it together. I did enjoy hearing others give their presentations, and I feel that this will be useful in my classroom. It will help the students develop their public speaking skills.
Google Docs is amazing! I didn't realize how many ways you could use Google until this class. This will definitely be used in my classroom, and it I love that it is multifunctional. The Google spreadsheet and forms is another great tool to use in the class. Picasa is a great tool for pictures. I found this very useful when I was making my google presentation. The podcasts and videocasts were probably my favorite projects in the class. I really enjoyed getting to learn how to do those, and I was in a great group. I think these can be the most effective in the classroom because it's something that will get your attention.
Youtube was nothing new to me because I watch videos on it all the time. I think it's a great way to communicate with others because so many people watch Youtube.
I think my favorite post that I read was Mr. McClung's first year of teaching. It was very encouraging, and is helpful to all of those who are going into the teaching profession.
My PLN is still very small, but I have hope that it will continue to grow in the future. Twitter is really great, and I just created an account.
Comment4Kids is another thing that I enjoyed doing. It's great that these children are getting the opportunity to post their work online.
I use itunes all the time to download music, but I had never taken the time to look at itunes U. This is great for students who want to know what is going on in the classroom, and offers all kind of information. This is definitely the wave of the future. As far as accessibility issues; I do believe that some students just can't afford a computer/internet. That will definitely be a problem in the future if everything is placed on the computer. At this point, I'm not sure what the answer is.
We didn't cover much about Google Earth, but I do think that is great especially for a geography course. Delicious is kind of like a factoid site. It will have just about anything you ask for, and will organize the information.
Access and Alex will be something that I use for my classroom. It offers great activites and lesson plans. I also like how Access gives students the opportunity to take courses online. Foliotek wasn't very exciting. I understand why the state requires it, but it seems like they could come up with a better way. I'm glad Dr.Strange let us do it in class because it can be confusing sometimes.
Since I've taken this course; being technologically literate has become very important to me. I think the schools of the future will involve sitting at a computer, and taking your courses online. There will be fewer hours spent in the classroom. As far as my "intellectual trail", I think it's exciting that people can google you,and automatically see your blogs.

2. I learned a lot in this class, but I would like to learn more about Twitter and Picasa. Also, I wish that we had covered more on how to develop a PLN.

3. There's nothing that I would want to forget about in this class. All of it will help us be better teachers!

4. Yes, I think what made me really excited was seeing how Kaia's blog became such a big hit. It really showed me how many opportunities can open up when you use technology.

5.I thought making the podcast/project 11 was "intellectually challenging". It made us think outside of the box, and it wasn't something I had done before.

6. Some days were kind of boring. It was mainly because I don't like sitting in a chair for long periods of time. Maybe if we were moving around a bit more that would solve the problem. It would be really cool if this class became an online course.

7. I would change the amount of projects we do. This last month I felt like we were in warp speed trying to get everything done. It's not that I don't like the projects; it's just I wish we could have more time to focus on each one. I guess what I'm saying is compared to quantity vs. quality. I would rather have fewer projects so that I can put more time into making them better. That way I don't have to worry about rushing to get the next project done. Just my two cents(=.

8. I would say, at this point, that I have a good amount of knowledge about technology. I have definitely learned a lot!

9. I'm going to keep trying to build my PLN. Also, I will make sure that I keep up with all the new technology out there.
Click here to view the questions.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Classroom Rules...

The Education Innovation website has offered some new rules to apply in the classroom. Here are my two favorites on the list.

1. "Leave your seat only when necessary, which should be often to go collaborate with others or demonstrate something to the class." -Education Innovation
I like this rule because it's important for students to work with each other. I think we learn so much more when we all put our minds together. It's so boring to just sit, and listen to lectures all the time. Projects/activities are more effective tools for learning then just memorizing a bunch of facts. Not only does it help students to learn the material, but it also helps develop social skills.

2. "Know what you're supposed to be learning, why, and what you will do with the knowledge." -Education Innovation
Students have a tendency to just study the material for a test, and then completely forget all the information after the course is over. Instead of doing the work just for a grade; actually go a step further to get all you can out of the class. It doesn't benefit you at all if you shove the material in a corner; never to be used again.

Click here to view the Education Innovation website.

Seven Stupid/Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology

Turning signs
Mr.Doug Johnson wrote a list of seven stupid mistakes, and seven smart ideas that are used in the classroom. Many of his points are valid, and very true. I picked two of what I thought to be the most important from each of the lists.

I'll start out with the Seven Stupid Mistakes...

1."Not supervising computer-using students." I picked this as one of the most important mistakes when dealing with technology because it's necessary for the teacher to keep up with what the students are doing online. Teachers can't assume that a filter/blocker will automatically keep students from viewing inappropriate content. I know when I was in high school that their were some students who knew how to hack into the system. It's very easy for students to get around the internet filters which can cause all kinds of problems. Teachers need to be aware of the student's activities on the internet.

2. "Thinking technology in schools will go away." I know some people wish this was true, but it's not. Whether you like it or not; technology is here to stay. There's no sense in trying to resist it because in the end it will only make things more difficult. Instead, try to view technology as your friend, and realize how useful it can be. Trying to shut technology out of the classroom is an injustice to our students.

Click here to view "Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make with Technology".

Seven Brilliant Things.....

1. "Accept the role of a co-learner." It's so important that teachers remain opened to learning new ideas. Even if you are not a teacher; you should never stop learning. There is not one person who knows it all. If you don't know something then use it as a chance for you and your students to find out that information.

2. "Empower kids with technology." Teach your students how to use technology. Such a simple statement seems to be so hard for some people. If the teachers aren't showing the students; then who will? It's gotten to a point that it's hard to function in the world without the knowledge of technology. You can't expect your students to succeed if you don't give them the proper tools to use.

Click here to view "Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology".

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Teacher's Desk

teacher and chalk board
This blog allows teachers to contribute their experiences and opinions for everyone to see. It's really great how several of the teachers have posted about things going on in their classrooms or new ideas. This is the place to bring new ideas to the table, and a good way for teachers to communicate with each other.

One post that I noticed was from Mr.Chamberlain. He was explaining ways to get more people to view your website. One class didn't have to do homework if they got 2,500 viewers to look at their class blogs. I thought that it was great how he was giving the students advice on how to get people around the world interested in their blogs. He then proceeded to post that information on The Teacher's Desk. This is very useful information that anyone can keep in mind when blogging.

Another thing that caught my attention is the list of blogs from all the collaborators. It's really cool how interconnected all of these blogs are. It's like everybody knows each other. For example, I clicked on the 2BC class blog. On their blog it shows all the people they follow, and one of them was Mr. McClung's class blog. It's crazy how small the world has become.
Overall, it's great that this professional blog is set up so that everyone can contribute.

Click here to view the At The Teacher's Desk Blog.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Michael Wesch: "A New Future of Whatever."

Whatever sign
Mr Wesch's comments about the youth today are completely true. I do come from a very "It's all about ME!" generation. I thought it was interesting how he talked about the different definitions of "whatever". To be honest,I've been guilty in the past of using "whatever" to describe my apathy towards things.I didn't realize how negative this was until I watched this video.

Another point he made was that people feel that the only way they can have a voice is through the media. He used the example of students in a classroom versus people standing in line auditioning for American Idol. The ones wanting to be on American idol were a lot more excited than those in the classroom. I think this is because students don't feel like their voice can be heard in the class. Where as, people believe that being on AI gives them the opportunity to be heard.

Using today's technology gives everyone an opportunity to have a voice. This seems to be missing in our schools which is why our students are not engaged. As a future teacher, I want my students to feel that their thoughts and ideas do matter. Hopefully, I can guide them in the direction of the last definition of "whatever"-"Let's do whatever it takes!"
Click here to view Mr. Wesch's video.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Anthony Capp's Post

green change sign
This post just goes to show how things are changing so quickly.The world expects people to use creative ways of communicating through the use of technology. It is no longer good enough to just write your thoughts down on a piece of paper. Presentation is everything now. With this in mind, I agree that we need to be preparing our student's for this technological world. We are cheating our students if we do not prepare them. It will be our responsibility to guide them, and show them the way.
Click Here to view Anthony Capp's blog.

The Importance of Blogging....

technology sign
One thing I've learned in this class is how important it is too share your thoughts, and work to the world. It allows people to communicate, and sometimes brings up opportunities that might not happen if we were not interactive on the Web. The PS22 Chorus, in New York City, experienced this as their group put up a video of them singing "Landslide" on YouTube. Guess who saw it? That's right....Stevie Nicks, one of the band members of Fleetwood Mac. She invited them to Madison Square Garden to perform with Fleetwood Mac. Isn't that amazing!!!???

So many doors open when you start developing your personal networks, and blogging website. For example, Room 18 Pt England School posted their podcast for a teaching position. Their teacher is on maternity leave so they decided to do a commercial calling for all teachers who would be interested in the position. This was a great way for the students to see first hand how networking can have such an awesome impact.Click Here to view Room 18 Pt England school's website.

Mr. McClung is another example of how blogging can be a learning experience for both the poster and the reader. It gives hope to students who are nervous about teaching, and for teachers who are stressing out over the classroom. Reading his experiences give some wisdom and incite for other teachers. Click here to view Mr. McClung's blog.

Another great example is Kaia's blog. Who would have guessed that this 3 year old child would have such an impact on the world??? So many people have visited her site and seen her pictures. It just goes to show another opportunity to learn from the ideas and work of others on the Web.Click Here to view Kaia's blog.

You never know what can happen when you allow technology into your life. You might just get invited to Madison Square Garden to perform with Fleetwood Mac like the PS22 choir did......

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ACCESS: Distance Learning

picture of Gov. Riley talking about ACCESS program
The ACCESS (Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide) program began on November 1, 2004. This program was created by Gov. Bob Riley in order to give all Alabama students, who attended public high schools, an equal learning environment. It allows students to take courses over the web, and involves distance learning. Some public schools do not have access to the resources or teachers to provide certain classes; so this provides an opportunity for students to take classes online.

This is a great program for Alabama high school students. It gives them opportunities that they might not have especially if they live in a small, rural area. For example, if a student wants to take a foreign language, such as Chinese, then they can simply take it online. Location or lack of resources are not a factor. Any high school student can be involved in this program no matter what part of the state he/she is from. My only complaint is that I wish that this was opened to elementary/middle school students as well.
Click here to view the ACCESS website.


ALEX logo
Alex.......Alabama Learning Exchange. This program has been developed by the Alabama Department of Education. It provides resources such as web material, lesson plans, and interactive activities. This collection of resources is open to teachers as well as the public. Teachers can use it to gather materials for the classroom. This program makes it possible for educational information and ideas to be shared in the state of Alabama.

To view ALEX's website Click here.

I think this is a great website that will be very useful for the classroom. As a teacher, I will be able to use this to create lesson plans, and plan activities. It even has educational podcasts that can be incorporated in class. It also provides parents an opportunity to view the resources on this website.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


girl's hand touching the ground
It is so amazing how this three year old has captured so many hearts. I think it is wonderful that Kaia's dad is allowing the world to see his daughter's photos. I'm sure he never dreamed how far this would reach others. Click here to view Kaia's blog.
This all started when Kaia's father,Jabiz Raisdana, uploaded pictures that she had taken up onto her blog. Mr. Chamberlain's class started commenting on her blog, and her dad took notice of this. In response, her dad skyped the class. His class ended up making a voice thread for Kaia so that she could hear feedback about her pictures.
It's so cool how not only is the father teaching her to value the beauty in everything, but he is allowing her to connect with the rest of the world.
I do realize after reading his blog, Intrepid Teacher, that he has some concerns about sharing his daughter with the world. I can definitely see why he would be on the cautious side. Unfortunately, there are are some weirdos on the internet who are dangerous. Overall, I think that the pro's outweigh the con's. Yes, there are some dangers, but think of all the good that has come out of this experience.
What's really cool about this is that I have a friend who works in Qatar. The pictures that Kaia took described the place so much better than words could. I'm so glad that her father took a chance, and allowed us to see a glimpse of Kaia's life.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Media Literacies: NML Staff/Project

Media Literacy icon
The New Media Literacy is a project started by MIT. Their Comparative Media Studies program is involved with putting this activity together. They focus on ways to prepare students for 21st century technology. This program wants to educate people on technology and provide information on how to participate with the media.
Click here to visit the NML website

In their video, they talk about how you need certain skills to be able to use technology successfully. I think it's important to possess all of the skills that they talk about. Some of these that I have include: judgment, negotiation, and multitasking. The only way to gain more skills is to continue learning all of the technology out there. Be open to new ideas, and never stop learning!

The Networked Student: Connectivisim

people networking icon
I thought this was a really cool way to show how students can use technology for learning. Students can take control over the learning process by researching, and accessing the tools through technology. It also gives them an opportunity to connect with others. Anyone can contribute new ideas, and information that will be useful to the world.

One point that the video made was the fact that the student didn't need a textbook. I can't tell you how many classes I've taken that wanted me to buy a book, and then we didn't even end up using it. That's so frustrating because the student loses so much money on textbooks. Most college students are not rich, and can not afford to buy things that are of no use. I was so grateful when Dr. Strange said that we didn't need a book for this course!!! Why waste money on textbooks when all the information you need can be found on the computer?

Click here to watch Ms. Drexler's video.

I want to be like the teacher on the video! Boring lectures and textbooks are not the answer for students. We need to be showing our students how to use the technology available so that they can function in the 21st century.

"This is how we dream"....

Multimedia sign
As I watched Mr. Miller's videos, it occurred to me that I rarely read books off the shelves anymore. Whenever I want to read or find something; I simply just use my computer. TaDa.....everything is right there within seconds. It's been a while since I went, and researched for information at the library.

Another issue that he brought up; is the fact that using this technology allows people to view resources at a faster rate. It takes years for books to be published. By the time a book is published the information is more than likely outdated, and doesn't apply anymore. Using technology allows ideas and information to infiltrate the world more quickly then waiting on a book.
Click here to watch Mr. Miller's videos.

Before this class, there is no way I would be ready to write with multimedia. By taking this course, I feel that it is possible for me to do so. I've learned a lot of useful ways to incorporate technology in the classroom. Of course this is a learning process; whatever I don't know I'm always willing to learn. I definitely think the students will be able to do this. They just need guidance, and someone willing to teach them.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Use of ipods in the classroom

About five years ago, Duke University decided to give an ipod to all incoming freshman. The students used it to record lectures, educational shows, etc. It's really cool because you can go back, and listen to a particular lecture when needed for studying. Some of the engineer majors used the ipods for learning about sound waves.
Click here for more info about Duke University using ipods in the classroom.

I think it's a great idea to use ipods in the classroom. It allows students to record discussions, and collaborate with others. If a student misses a class then he/she can easily pull the topics discussed in school that day up on the ipod.
Click here for an useful website about ipod use in the classroom.

iTunes University

iTunes University
The iTunes University is a great tool for finding podcasts/vodcasts in educational purposes. It allows students to download college lectures and other materials to their ipod. I think it's amazing how you can download all this information on iTunes, and then pull it back up whenever you need it. It's especially great if your on-the-go a lot so that you can just play it on your ipod or computer wherever your at. I've had iTunes for a long time, and never realized that this feature was available until I took this course.
Click here to find more information about iTunes University.

It's going to be interesting how iTunes University plays a role in the future. Does this mean that we won't even have to attend classes in 10, 20, 50 years? I recently heard that South Alabama is going to convert their whole master's program online. Everything you learn will be online through podcasts, blogging etc. It's crazy, technology is taking over the world!!!

Alice Christie/Webquests

webquest sign
Dr. Alice Christie's website is a great source for teachers who want to find a way to incorporate technology in the classroom. I looked at several topics,and found that webquests really got my attention. I have never heard of webquests up until now, and thought it was a great idea to use in school. The teacher gets to set up a scenario, and the children use internet sources to complete the task. For example, I found one webquest in which aliens have come down to Earth, and are asking questions about our planet. The children research internet databases to find the answers to the questions. It is a very creative way to get the children interested in learning.

I would definitely like to use webquests in my classroom. It allows students to be actively involved with technology, and it keeps them from getting bored. Another great thing about webquest is that it encourages critical thinking. It's not memorization or "burp back" learning. This is important because the "burp back" method will not help students learn how to solve problems or think for themselves. Webquests provide a great way for children to explore concepts, and have fun doing so.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Response to Mr. McClung's Blog

light bulb
Mr. McClung's blog is very encouraging. I appreciate that he took the time to write about what he learned in his first year of teaching. One of the issues that he talked about was being flexible even when things go wrong. One of my main concerns is being the "perfect teacher". Of course there's no such thing, but I want my future students to know that I care about their education. His post made me realize that even when lessons go wrong; I can still learn from those mistakes, and grow with my classroom.

His last point focused on the fact that teachers should never stop learning. I completely agree with his comments. It amazes me how I've had teachers in the past who were stuck in their own ways. They didn't want to learn anything new or be told any differently. As a teacher, it's important to always be open to new ideas and information. How can you expect students to continue to learn if you stop the learning process for yourself?

Wikipedia: Can it be Trusted?

Wikipedia puzzle
I use Wikipedia all the time for information. In fact, there has only been one occasion where I found something that was incorrect. It's one of those times where you have to use discretion when viewing a source like Wiki. Of course, I never use it as a source for academic papers because most teachers think it is unreliable. In my experience it has been very helpful, but I understand why others are a bit hesitate to use it.

Virgil Griffith, the inventor of Wikipedia Scanner, talks about how his invention can be used to track the people who edit/change the online encyclopedia. All of the articles about this topic were very interesting. I didn't realize that so many corporations and politicians contribute to the Wiki source. My only issue with the scanner is that it doesn't seem to be dependable. It seems ironic that there is a controversy over the reliability of Wiki when the scanner isn't that much better. For example, I could go into a Starbucks coffee shop and write all these great things about the coffee. Someone like Griffith could come along, and say that it must be an employee from Starbucks trying to boost their image. By the way, I'm not an employee for Starbucks even though I do enjoy their coffee. Overall, the scanner is an interesting idea, but it's going to need more tweaks to the system.

Bottom line: When using a source like Wikipedia be mindful of what your reading, and use discretion.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Did you know? 4.0

It's funny, I can't remember the last time I sat down and read a newspaper. Whenever I need to know information; I automatically run to my computer to find it. The statistics in this video is just unbelievable. It's amazing how all these networking websites have grown in such a short period of time. I'm constantly using Facebook or looking up videos on Youtube. I also have to say I'm guilty of downloading free music off of limewire.

I thought the guy who had over 200,000 texts, in one month, was just crazy. I can't imagine texting that much. Then again, I guess I'm getting "too old" for that stuff. I also thought it was interesting that Pres. Obama was able to get so much more campaign donations off the web, then Sen. McCain who attended a campaign rally. It just goes to show how much the world has connected on the web. Everything moves at a faster pace as technology advances.

Last Lecture......

Wow! Randy Pausch was truly an inspirational man. When I first read what our blog assignment was this week, I thought "Geeze, listening to this video, which is over an hour long, is going to be so boring." Well, I couldn't have been more wrong! It's one of the best videos I've watched so far. The way he has lived his life is just amazing. Even as a dying cancer patient, he was full of hope and a determination for future generations to continue to learn while achieving their dreams.

Throughout his speech, Pausch refers to a "brick wall" that everyone encounters at some point in life. The key is to not let this wall discourage you. "Brick walls let us show our dedication." His words really hit home with me because I have a few personal "brick walls" in my life right now. I've been really discouraged lately, but after watching this video I realize that I have to keep pressing on. I can't just give up because the wall has knocked me down a few times. Pausch didn't just say these words, he lived them. His whole life was about getting around those walls, and too never give up.

One of the things I noticed about his teaching style is that he loved hand's on projects. He wanted his students to actually experience what they were learning. There's a big difference in reading about something in a textbook, and actually going/experiencing first hand. Also, he encouraged collaboration between all his students. He even went as far as taking a survey on who was easier to work with. This taught the students to do some self reflection about their ability to work with others.

Pausch also focused on a "head fake"teaching style. He wanted to take subjects that are hard to learn, and turn it into something fun. It's so cool how he was able to take a computer software class, and turn it into a way of making virtual world games. The students were developing games without thinking about the fact that they were learning how to program software. Also, he never limited his student's abilities. He was constantly pushing them to be better, and do more. This encouragement lead his students to be more creative than he ever imagined possible.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Response to Karl Fisch's Blog

Mr. Fisch's blog made me really think about the problem with having technology illiterate teachers in the system. This is a tough subject because I agree with what he says, but I also see the other side of the argument for teachers who didn't grow up in a technologically advanced world. Change is a difficult thing to do especially when you don't know any other way. On the other hand, teachers need to be flexible and open to learning new ideas.

I think it's a little extreme to get rid of anybody in the teaching profession who is deemed "technologically illiterate" , but I do recognize that changes need to be made. Hopefully, teachers will become motivated to learn how to use technology as a tool in the classroom. The biggest issue is getting schools to make the transition. Teachers need to become more involved with preparing their students in the 21st century.

"It's Not About the Technology"

I think Ms. Hines is completely right about what teachers need to do in order to stay current in the 21st century. Technology doesn't help if teachers are not willing to learn, and inspire their students to be creative. It's important that we never stop learning. No matter how much we know; there is always room for improvement. Also, I agree that teachers need to find more creative ways to make sure students are understanding what is being taught in the classroom! What good does it do if children are staying in class for seven hours a day, but not getting anything out of it.

Teachers need to be committed to the student's learning. I've been very fortunate to have teachers in my life that cared about my schooling. They weren't going to give up on any of their students. Attitude plays a major part in the classroom. One thing I really liked about Ms. Hines' blog is that she gives examples of how you can still prepare students even if the technology is not available. It's probably going to take a long time before most school systems catch up too all of the technology out there. This blog gives hope that students can be successful in an advancing world if teachers find inventive ways to keep children learning.

Michael Wesch: A vision of students today

I think this film over exaggerated a bit. It just made college look so more depressing than it is in reality. I do agree that some of the things mentioned in the video are experiences that I have had in college. Even so, I felt this was a bias video because all it focused on was the negative. It didn't give any positives so that the viewer could make a fair assessment of today's college experiences. I realize that a majority of my classes don't use technology, but I can't say that I haven't learned anything. In fact, since I've been in college, the way I think and my perception of the world has changed. I find that the person I was when I graduated high school is completely different than I am today.

I do agree that I, just like most students, spend a lot of time on facebook and myspace. Another thing that struck a chord with me was how some students don't even bother showing up to class. I have seen that so many times. I don't know about anybody else, but I can't afford to pay all this money just to fail my classes. Overall, I have had a very good experience at South. I'm not the most computer savvy person in the world, but I don't feel like my education is a waste of time. Colleges do need revamping, but I don't believe that the whole educational system is completely flawed.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Improving Student Podcast/What I Learned

Honestly, this podcast bored me to tears(no offence). I'll first start off by saying that the video lacked any enthusiasm. In order for the audience to be interested, the people doing the podcast need to show interest in what they are talking about. Another thing that bothered me was that no one was looking at the camera. As the viewer, I almost felt excluded out of the conversation because they were all talking among themselves. No one was directing any questions or information towards the audience. Also, I didn't like that there were scripts on the table. I feel that it should flow more freely as though the person you're talking too is standing right in front of you. Of course I realize that these students were probably nervous, and this was their first podcast. I'm not trying to be over critical; I'm just giving an opinion.

The podcast should have substance while entertaining the audience. I think the music in the videocast should have been more upbeat, and maybe something that everyone listens today on the radio. It's important for the audience to be able to relate to the subject. I would like to see some humor or maybe a skit/play to get the point across.

I've learned just how much I really don't know. There is so much more for me to learn about all of the technology that is out there. I think it's so cool how you can actually download applications like spark notes to your ipod. I didn't even know that was possible. It's also amazing how many schools actually use podcasts/blogging as a means of teaching. It allows the students to show their creativity to the whole world. They are able to experience, and learn so much about the world while they're sitting in class at a computer.

I think it's great that anyone can view what the students are learning in class. It allows parents to simply go online and watch their children. Podcasting is such a wonderful tool to incorporate in the classroom, and it creates so many opportunities for the students.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Video In the Classroom

I think this is a great idea to get children involved with writing. Not only does it allow them to be creative,but it also introduces them to the world of technology. You can see by the video that the kids really enjoyed getting to make their own stories come to life. Good stuff...


This was actually my first time to listen to the podcasts on Itunes. I've used itunes before to download music, but I never paid any attention to the podcasts. It's pretty cool how anyone can listen to these, and subscribe for no costs.

SmartBoard Lessons was the first podcast I listened too, and I liked how the host was able to connect to Joan even though they were both in two different offices. It just goes to show how technology has narrowed the gap in communication all over the world. I found the music at the first part of the show to be annoying because it was drowning out the sound of Joan talking. I could barely understand what she was saying the first two minutes of the show. This podcast seemed laid back as both the hosts talked about their personal lives. As the show goes on they begin to focus on the main subject of the podcast.

KidCast was probably my least favorite out of all the podcasts. You could definitely tell it was scripted, and it was just so dull. I couldn't listen to it very long because I was about to fall asleep. However, it is very informative and the host does provide answers to many questions that the viewers have.

EdTechTalk was a little too unorganized for my tastes. It's very interactive as the hosts use Skype as well as twittering too connect with their fans/audience. There seems to be a lot of fluttering in the background. At times you can hear the phone ringing or you can even hear a random person talking in the background.

I felt like I was over my head listening to MacBreak Weekly. You could definitely tell that both hosts knew their stuff about Mac computers. Too be honest, I have no experience dealing with Mac computers so I had no clue what they were chattering about. I can just hear Dr. Strange telling us that we should use a Mac because it's the better choice.

This Week In Photography was pretty cool because I enjoy the art of taking pictures. The setup of the show had two people in the studio, and the other two communicated from different places. It's very conversational as each speaker gives opinions and advise for choosing photography equipment. Overall, it's a great show for photographers who want to find out the latest info on different cameras.

The last podcast I listened to was one I chose from the comedy section. It's called Morning Show Phone Taps and it is so funny. I thought I would choose something from the comedy genre because I feel that laughter is good for the soul. Anyways, the basis of the show is about prank calling different people. In this segment, the host(Elvis Duran) and this girl decide to prank call her mom. She is studying in London, and her parents live in the U.S. The girl pretends that she lost her cell phone, and calls Collect to talk to her mom. It's hilarious because the host pretends to be the operator who chimes in to say that the phone call is costing so much money. The mom is freaking out the whole time because she thinks she's going to have to pay for an outrageous phone bill. You can hear people laughing in the background because the mom is going crazy about the cost of the phone bill.
*****Anyways, I would like to warn anyone who listens to it that the mom drops the F bomb quite a few times. The show censors it, but you are still able to tell what she is saying. I thought I would give warning to anyone who might be offended.
Overall, it's really funny and I would recommend listening to it if you want a good laugh.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I think Vicki Davis' style of teaching is quite interesting. It's a great idea to allow the students to experience and connect to the rest of the world. Her program allows an environment for creative growth as well as a place to focus on the strengths of each student. I'm really impressed with her classroom, and the benefits that it offers to the students is something they will be able to use as they get older.

The Digi Teen website is a great tool to use for learning. I thought it was really cool how the students could collaborate with others around the world in their studies. It's a great way to learn new ideas and to experience what they are actually learning about. I think more classrooms should be like that so students will want to be more involved with school.

The Importance of Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson is a wonderful and entertaining speaker. He is definitely right about how our public schools inhibit creativity within each child. Schools should be teaching that the fine arts are just as important as mathematics or science. He made a good point about how we automatically label a child as having a learning disability just because he/she processes information in a different manner. I remember when I was in grade school that our school focused more on basic subjects, and saw art/dancing as a less important subject.

Another great point that Sir Robinson made was when he talked about how public schools teach us to fear wrong choices. Children will be afraid to take chances when they think they will be criticised for coming up with a new idea. Each child should be allowed to be creative in their own way. It amazes me how much creativity will play a role in our futures as technological advances continue to be made.

Did You Know? 3.0 and Mr. Winkle Wakes Reaction

The video, Did You Know?, was pretty interesting and I was surprised at how much technology plays a role in our lives. It's unbelievable how much networking occurs through Facebook, Myspace, and texting. I was even shocked to find the statistics of how many people meet on the internet, and then get married. It just goes to show how rapidly technology is advancing, and who knows what will develop in the next two years.

Another thing that is interesting about this video is that it shows how quickly information is changing. New advances are being made so fast that it is almost too difficult to keep up with the developments. It surprises me how many jobs have been created that didn't even exist five years ago. It's amazing how technology has infiltrated our lives. I'm sure people could not have even fathomed just how much this information was going to grow, and how it would become such a huge impact for our generation.

The video, Mr. Winkle Wakes, was a great way to show that even though technology has advanced around the world, we are still lagging behind in our educational systems. This will become a growing problem because students will have a hard time functioning in the high tech world when the classrooms are not preparing them for these changes. It's important that teachers begin to become more educated about new technology so that they can pass it on to the students.

The educational system in the United States is so far behind the rest of the world. This video makes you realize that we need to make some serious changes to our programs so that we can catch up to the Information Age. It amazes me that changes in our schools haven't occurred sooner. As much as technology is involved in our lives, we should be introducing these ideas into our schools.

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Jamie Lynn and I'm a junior here at South. I changed my major to elementary education last year so I'm a little behind, but I hope to graduate by December of next year. I was born and raised in Mobile so this is definitely home for me.
My hobbies include: tennis, reading, art, and I love watching football. I'm a huge Alabama football fan and can't wait for the season to start! Roll Tide!!! I also enjoy going to the beach.
Anyways, that's a little about me.
