Sunday, October 11, 2009

"This is how we dream"....

Multimedia sign
As I watched Mr. Miller's videos, it occurred to me that I rarely read books off the shelves anymore. Whenever I want to read or find something; I simply just use my computer. TaDa.....everything is right there within seconds. It's been a while since I went, and researched for information at the library.

Another issue that he brought up; is the fact that using this technology allows people to view resources at a faster rate. It takes years for books to be published. By the time a book is published the information is more than likely outdated, and doesn't apply anymore. Using technology allows ideas and information to infiltrate the world more quickly then waiting on a book.
Click here to watch Mr. Miller's videos.

Before this class, there is no way I would be ready to write with multimedia. By taking this course, I feel that it is possible for me to do so. I've learned a lot of useful ways to incorporate technology in the classroom. Of course this is a learning process; whatever I don't know I'm always willing to learn. I definitely think the students will be able to do this. They just need guidance, and someone willing to teach them.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting, isn't it! I learn so much every day! And your emphasis on the fact of the immediacy of the information is one I often forget. But it is VERY important.

    Excellent post, as always!
