Sunday, September 27, 2009

Response to Mr. McClung's Blog

light bulb
Mr. McClung's blog is very encouraging. I appreciate that he took the time to write about what he learned in his first year of teaching. One of the issues that he talked about was being flexible even when things go wrong. One of my main concerns is being the "perfect teacher". Of course there's no such thing, but I want my future students to know that I care about their education. His post made me realize that even when lessons go wrong; I can still learn from those mistakes, and grow with my classroom.

His last point focused on the fact that teachers should never stop learning. I completely agree with his comments. It amazes me how I've had teachers in the past who were stuck in their own ways. They didn't want to learn anything new or be told any differently. As a teacher, it's important to always be open to new ideas and information. How can you expect students to continue to learn if you stop the learning process for yourself?

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