Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Importance of Blogging....

technology sign
One thing I've learned in this class is how important it is too share your thoughts, and work to the world. It allows people to communicate, and sometimes brings up opportunities that might not happen if we were not interactive on the Web. The PS22 Chorus, in New York City, experienced this as their group put up a video of them singing "Landslide" on YouTube. Guess who saw it? That's right....Stevie Nicks, one of the band members of Fleetwood Mac. She invited them to Madison Square Garden to perform with Fleetwood Mac. Isn't that amazing!!!???

So many doors open when you start developing your personal networks, and blogging website. For example, Room 18 Pt England School posted their podcast for a teaching position. Their teacher is on maternity leave so they decided to do a commercial calling for all teachers who would be interested in the position. This was a great way for the students to see first hand how networking can have such an awesome impact.Click Here to view Room 18 Pt England school's website.

Mr. McClung is another example of how blogging can be a learning experience for both the poster and the reader. It gives hope to students who are nervous about teaching, and for teachers who are stressing out over the classroom. Reading his experiences give some wisdom and incite for other teachers. Click here to view Mr. McClung's blog.

Another great example is Kaia's blog. Who would have guessed that this 3 year old child would have such an impact on the world??? So many people have visited her site and seen her pictures. It just goes to show another opportunity to learn from the ideas and work of others on the Web.Click Here to view Kaia's blog.

You never know what can happen when you allow technology into your life. You might just get invited to Madison Square Garden to perform with Fleetwood Mac like the PS22 choir did......


  1. "You never know what can happen when you allow technology into your life." I have been amazed this semester. And you know why!

  2. Hello Jamie Lynn,

    Please reference our graphic/illustration

    To the page you downloaded it from:

    kind regards

    Teaching Treasures Publications

  3. I think I have been very kind not to take down your blog for copyright abuse please reference the graphic, last warning.......
