Sunday, November 22, 2009

Seven Stupid/Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology

Turning signs
Mr.Doug Johnson wrote a list of seven stupid mistakes, and seven smart ideas that are used in the classroom. Many of his points are valid, and very true. I picked two of what I thought to be the most important from each of the lists.

I'll start out with the Seven Stupid Mistakes...

1."Not supervising computer-using students." I picked this as one of the most important mistakes when dealing with technology because it's necessary for the teacher to keep up with what the students are doing online. Teachers can't assume that a filter/blocker will automatically keep students from viewing inappropriate content. I know when I was in high school that their were some students who knew how to hack into the system. It's very easy for students to get around the internet filters which can cause all kinds of problems. Teachers need to be aware of the student's activities on the internet.

2. "Thinking technology in schools will go away." I know some people wish this was true, but it's not. Whether you like it or not; technology is here to stay. There's no sense in trying to resist it because in the end it will only make things more difficult. Instead, try to view technology as your friend, and realize how useful it can be. Trying to shut technology out of the classroom is an injustice to our students.

Click here to view "Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make with Technology".

Seven Brilliant Things.....

1. "Accept the role of a co-learner." It's so important that teachers remain opened to learning new ideas. Even if you are not a teacher; you should never stop learning. There is not one person who knows it all. If you don't know something then use it as a chance for you and your students to find out that information.

2. "Empower kids with technology." Teach your students how to use technology. Such a simple statement seems to be so hard for some people. If the teachers aren't showing the students; then who will? It's gotten to a point that it's hard to function in the world without the knowledge of technology. You can't expect your students to succeed if you don't give them the proper tools to use.

Click here to view "Seven Brilliant Things Teachers Do With Technology".

1 comment:

  1. Even before the day of computers in the classroom, supervising students was important. Today I feel it is more important that before. Technology has always been my friend and I have never stopped learning and I'm glad to see you have the same attitude.
